

的 南新月技术学院 基金会 awarded 47 scholarships totaling $16,200 for students enrolled in the College for Summer Semester 2020.

Of those, the 基金会 awarded 21 Internal Tiger Campaign scholarships totaling $6,450.  Internal scholarships are funded through contributions from the 十大网赌平台推荐 faculty 和 staff primarily through monthly payroll deduction to the Internal Fundraising Campaign. In addition, the 基金会 awarded 26 external scholarships totaling $9,750.  External scholarships are funded through contributions from business partners, foundations 和 generous donors within our service community as well as 十大网赌平台推荐 faculty 和 staff for program-specific scholarships not included in the Internal Tiger Campaign.

Scholarship applications for Spring Semester 2021 will be available online from September 1 to September 30 at http://8egv.vacuumbeltsdirect.com/foundation/foundation-scholarships/.


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Internal scholarships:

比尔·瓦尔登纪念教科书和工具箱奖学金 is a $300 scholarship established in memory of former 十大网赌平台推荐 Business Management instructor Bill Walden for his commitment 和 contributions to the College. 的 基金会 awarded eleven $300 scholarships for a total of $3,300.  Those receiving the scholarship for the Summer 2020 Semester are:

Egwuronu Ndukwo, 费耶特县,行政支持助理

1月McCard, Upson县呼吸护理中心

卡梅隆皮尔斯 亨利郡,刑事司法技术

Princetta里斯, 迪卡尔布县呼吸护理中心

Orlona克莱蒙斯, 梅里韦瑟县卫生保健管理处

Marinda威尔逊, 费耶特县,烹饪艺术

La 'Sh和is布朗, 梅里韦瑟县呼吸护理中心

阿德里安•布鲁顿 派克县护理

迪安娜米切尔 费耶特县呼吸护理中心

杰西卡·华莱士 费耶特县卫生保健管理处

莎拉•巴克斯特 亨利郡呼吸护理中心


高中至大学教科书和工具箱奖学金 is a $250 scholarship 授予 a recent 南新月技术学院 Adult Education/GED graduate (completed within the last 12 months) who scored over 580 on the GED test 和 has enrolled in 十大网赌平台推荐. 的 基金会 awarded one $250 scholarship for Summer 2020 Semester to:

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理


约翰·布拉德利纪念教科书和工具箱奖学金 250美元的奖学金是为了纪念约翰·布拉德利而设立的吗, former Automotive Collision 和 Repair instructor at the College, 2006年谁死于癌症. 的 基金会 awarded four $250 scholarships for a total of $1,000.  2020年夏季学期奖学金获得者:

莎拉•巴克斯特 亨利郡呼吸护理中心

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理

阿德里安•布鲁顿 派克县护理

Egwuronu Ndukwo, 费耶特县,行政支持助理

卡梅隆皮尔斯 亨利郡,刑事司法技术

杰西卡·华莱士 费耶特县卫生保健管理处


乐高老虎学费奖学金 is a $900 tuition scholarship to a student who is not eligible for the HOPE Grant/Scholarship, WIOA和/或PELL助学金和/或任何其他经济援助. 的 乐高老虎学费奖学金 is named in honor of the winning team for the Internal Tiger Campaign for 南新月技术学院. 的 基金会 awarded one $900 scholarship for Summer 2020 Semester to:



特雷弗·亚历山大纪念学费奖学金 is a $250 tuition 和 fees scholarship to a student who is eligible for the HOPE Grant/Scholarship but is not eligible for 的 PELL Grant. 为了纪念特雷弗·亚历山大而建立的, 学院的评估专家, 谁在2013年8月死于癌症. 的 基金会 awarded two $250 scholarships for a total of $500.  2020年夏季学期奖学金获得者:

对此坎贝尔, Fayette County, Cybersecurity; Web Application Development

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded External scholarships:

库珀家庭烹饪艺术奖学金 is a $250 scholarship 授予 a currently enrolled part-time or full-time 南新月技术学院 student in good academic st和ing in a Culinary Arts program of study. 的 基金会 awarded one $250 scholarship for Summer 2020 Semester to:

马修•诺韦利 亨利郡,烹饪艺术


费耶特学院和职业学院学费奖学金 is a $500 tuition scholarship for 十大网赌平台推荐 students who reside in Fayette County, Georgia.  的 基金会 awarded four $500 scholarships for a total of $2000.  Those receiving the scholarship for the Summer 2020 Semester are:

迪安娜米切尔 费耶特县呼吸护理中心

Marinda威尔逊, 费耶特县,烹饪艺术

对此坎贝尔, Fayette County, Cybersecurity; Web Application Development

杰西卡·华莱士 费耶特县卫生保健管理处


佐治亚电力奖学金 is a $250 textbook 和 toolbox scholarship funded by Georgia Power Company for the purchase of program-required tools, 制服和/或设备.  的 基金会 awarded six $250 scholarships for a total of $1500.  2020年夏季学期奖学金获得者:

La 'Sh和is布朗, 梅里韦瑟县呼吸护理中心

阿德里安•布鲁顿 派克县护理

迪安娜米切尔 费耶特县呼吸护理中心

1月McCard, Upson县呼吸护理中心

Princetta里斯, 迪卡尔布县呼吸护理中心

Marinda威尔逊, 费耶特县,烹饪艺术


胡枝子基金会奖学金,以纪念奥巴马先生. 和夫人. 罗素·艾伦先生. 和夫人. 弗兰克·约翰逊是 1000美元学费,课本和工具箱奖学金 授予 第一代学生 (defined as a student whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have not completed a degree or any education beyond high school/first in your family to attend college to attain a certificate, 文凭或学位) 参加下列计划之一:联合健康, 商业技术, 刑事司法, 工业系统技术,物流和供应链管理. 的 基金会 awarded three $1,000 scholarships for a total of $3,000.  2020年夏季学期奖学金获得者:

1月McCard, Upson县呼吸护理中心

La 'Sh和is布朗, 梅里韦瑟县呼吸护理中心

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理


十大网赌平台推荐烹饪艺术咨询委员会学费,教科书 & 工具箱奖学金 is a $500 scholarship 授予 a student in the Culinary Arts program who has completed CUUL 1000, 1110, 和1120年. 的 scholarship is for tuition 和 the purchase of program-required textbook 和 tools, 制服, 设备, 和/或供应. 的 基金会 awarded one $500 scholarship for Summer 2020 Semester to:

Marinda威尔逊, 费耶特县,烹饪艺术


沃克库克纪念学费奖学金 是250美元的学费奖学金吗 established in memory of Walker Cook who passed away in 2017, 前格里芬居民,芭芭拉·乔·库克的丈夫, V.P. 在十大网赌平台推荐晋升. Walker was a life-long educator who believed education improved the quality of life for individuals 和 communities. 的 基金会 awarded one $250 scholarships for Summer 2020 Semester to:

Marinda威尔逊, 费耶特县,烹饪艺术

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理


希拉·艾弗里纪念教科书 & 工具箱奖学金 是否有250美元的奖学金颁发给攻读学位的学生 呼吸道护理. 为了纪念希拉·妮可·艾弗里而设立的, who received an AAS degree in 呼吸道护理 from the College, 2011年死于一场房屋火灾. 的 基金会 awarded one $250 scholarship for Summer 2020 Semester to:

Princetta里斯, 迪卡尔布县呼吸护理中心


Upson EMC基金会学费奖学金 是250美元的学费奖学金吗. Student must be a Georgia resident 和 must live in one of the six counties Upson EMC serves: Crawford, 派克, 梅里韦瑟, 托尔伯特, 泰勒和厄普森. 的 基金会 awarded seven $250 scholarships for a total of $1,750 for Summer 2020 Semester to:

香农基督徒, Upson县医疗保健管理中心

Rosanna枷锁, 派克县护理

La 'Sh和is布朗, 梅里韦瑟县呼吸护理中心

1月McCard, Upson县呼吸护理中心

克里斯托弗·威廉姆森 梅里韦瑟县医疗助理

阿德里安•布鲁顿 派克县护理

Orlona克莱蒙斯, 梅里韦瑟县卫生保健管理处